Core Stability

We understand the importance of building a solid core or foundation to move upon, not only when treating injuries but also in preventing injuries from occurring in the first instance. Research has shown that if the ‘core’ is weak or not functioning effectively the human body is prone to injuries at numerous locations.

Our therapists are trained to assess and identify any deficiencies or weakness and create a tailored exercise program which will address these issues via specific individualised exercises. We will take the time to explain to you and show you how to effectively activate your ‘core’ and engage the correct muscles so that you are able to continue our exercises in the comfort of your own home. We will provide you with individualised exercises based on various Pilates techniques and ensure that you are performing them correctly.

Core stability based exercises have been proven to be effective in the management of numerous conditions ranging from the obvious low back pain to patients with lower limb issues or even shoulder issues.