New Patients

Please allow approximately 1 hour for your Initial Consultation so that your physiotherapist can accurately assess and commence treatment for your condition. Subsequent sessions will be approximately 40 minutes in duration.

We understand that your time is important and we strive to be on time as much as practicably possible and therefore request that you please attend your Initial Consultation approximately 10 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment so that you can fill in the appropriate paperwork.

Please bring the following to your Initial Consultation:

  • Any relevant referrals, letters or doctors reports
  • Suitable and comfortable clothing so that your physio can easily assess and treat the injured area (we have shorts and gowns available to you in the clinic also)
  • Workers Compensation, CTP Insurance (Third Party) patients must also bring all your claim details including claim number to enable direct billing of the insurer.
  • Private Health Fund Membership Card so that you can claim your benefits on the spot using our HICAPS terminal.
  • Details of anyone you wish correspondence regarding your condition to be sent to.


Do I need a referral to see a Physiotherapist?

While referrals are certainly welcome, a referral is not necessary to see a physiotherapist. Physiotherapists are primary care practitioners, meaning we are able to assess and treat your condition without the need for a referral. The only time you will need a referral is if your treatment will be covered by Workers Compensation, CTP, Veterans Affairs or Medicare EPC where you will need a referral from your doctor.

What should I wear?

Comfortable clothing is recommended for your treatment. Often your therapist will require adequate exposure of the injured area so that we are able to accurately assess and teat your condition. Your modesty and privacy are important to us and we will endeavour to protect these at all times. Gowns and shorts are available as required in the clinic.

How do I pay for my session?

We provide the HICAPS payment facility so that you are able to claim any benefits from your private health insurance on the spot. Bills are payable on the day. If you have a Workers Compensation claim or CTP Claim the insurer will be billed directly when you have an active claim number. We also have EFTPOS facilities for your convenience.

Am I able to attend SportsLink if I have a referral to see another physiotherapist?

Of course. Everyone is entitled to see who they wish for treatment. Please bring the referral letter with you to your appointment and we will correspond with the referring doctor regarding your ongoing treatment.

What can I expect at my first session?

Your physiotherapist will take an accurate and detailed history of your condition. Following this they will perform a thorough musculo-skeletal assessment and provide you with clear and simple information regarding your condition, management and prognosis. If necessary, referrals to appropriate health professionals including specialists can be organised for you also.

What if I can’t make my appointment?

We understand that everyone leads busy lives and sometimes for reasons beyond your control you may be unable to attend your appointment. Our time too is important to us, and we often have a waiting list to attend for treatment, so please notify our clinic as soon as possible to cancel your appointment so that your appointment time can be made available to someone who may be able to attend.

Are you able to provide me with a certificate of attendance?

We will provide you with a certificate of attendance outlining your condition and any limitations this may have to your employer or team as necessary. Please notify our friendly reception staff on the day of your appointment so this can be organised for you.

Making a Booking

We understand that your time is important and we strive to be on time as much as practicably possible and therefore request that you please attend your Initial Consultation approximately 10 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment so that you can fill in the appropriate paperwork.